Normal dcc chats with eggdrop are not encrypted. On irc you just /dcc chat nickname or /ctcp botname chat, could be also a nickstealer. To use /whois works but it`s not the most comfortable solution. The initial request is send over irc server and the following dcc chat is a 'direct connection'. But direct doesn`t mean that there are no other computers between you and the target, that connection is in plaintext.Sir_Fz wrote:state the problem
No strict rules as it is a hobby project. If you think you have time it`s ok.Sir_Fz wrote:activity statement
As far I know there is currently no client to eggdrop encrypted chat possible.Sir_Fz wrote:existing solutions
You gain more control about your data, more privacy. A third party could log the encrypted stream but don`t know what you are sending. You couldn`t dcc chat a bot`s nickstealer and give him your password because you type to fast.Sir_Fz wrote:why is it needed.
Dunno how helpful others would find a new tray icon with the eggdrops console. Sure this could be implemented into mainline clients such as mirc or xchat.Sir_Fz wrote:Creating a client isn't really needed IMO since it can be supported by all IRC clients out there (which is more user-friendly).
I like this idea as well but it`s not easy to do that for me. I don`t want to learn mirc scripting. To investigate into C++ Gui development or maybe a bit tk has more point.What I meant about the interface being through any irc client is that the chat window automatically opens in any client so why create a new separate interface for that?
I think you mean this. I don`t say it`s insecure. It`s just eggdrop --> encrypted --> psybnc --> unencrypted --> client. Imho not much point, better is eggdrop --> client and end to end encryption.And what about the solution provided in the modules forum (DCC-SSL) I didn't really get why it's still insecure.
Seams you have a shared ip. Nvm. I added a mirror. attach your file on some other less trafficed website so I can actually download it without having to wait for hours
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
/server a.b.c.d:+port
Searchin/Posting to the X-Chat forum should be of assistance.BoaR wrote:i use Xchat, i'm not sure if it supports DCC-SSL-connections, it supports SSL connections to the irc server though.
Dunno exactly who you mean. But psybnc <-> eggdrop would still chat unencryped in that case, because eggdrop has still no support for encryption.naaina wrote:psyBNC is capable of handling incoming SSL-encrypted connections from the client:
You don`t need to change the source. You just need to encrypt the message you send over the unencrypted channel and you need to implement some kind of authentication.Still there is another problem: If eggdrops are linked, the communication channel could be encrypted too. But this can only be changed in the eggdrop source for sure.
Actually not an eggdrop related problem and better posted @ wrote:Kinda off topic in this thread.Please make your own for this problem.