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Post by GaveUp »

Does this happen at any time of the day? My first guess is that, under the assumption this happens only near the end/start of the day, the time zone adjustment value needs to be adjusted.

If it happens at any time of the day then I'd doubt check bindings in the config.

If all else fails please post some more information. Which version are you using, mine or rosc's and which version number?
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Post by NathP »

I happens anytime of the day, I know my time zone is correct, I've changed my commands in tvrage.conf to !today and !tommorrow and its still doing it, both say todays listings

I'm using the tvrage.rosc.003.tar.bz2 release with Windrop 1.6.18 :)
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Post by HowlinPsycho »

Windrop is updated with dict 8.5.2

01.04.2008 - updated compilations instructions
- updated compilations tools (Tcl 8.5.2)

Script works nicely now :)
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Post by Robertus »

i have a little problem

some days ago the script worked without problem, but now i have an error:

Lost - Premiered: (ABC) 2004 (USA) - Class: {%%classification%%} Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Mystery ·

the Class ins't correct.. why?

can you help me ?

thanks in advance
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Post by GaveUp »

For that particular show, Lost, the Classification is not a returned field from the query. You can check this for yourself by visiting:

Code: Select all
To handle this properly you should create your own theme that and modify the theme appropriately to handle conditional variables. See the default.theme for documentation that will show you the syntax you need to use.
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Post by bootdisk »

Sorry for bumping such on old thread.

But i have a question about the !showinfo announcing part.
Where can i change the ouput (the channel msg) from 1 single to several?


Code: Select all

Show: Heroes) <-> URL :: <-> Latest Episode : .............
To something like this:

Code: Select all

Show: Heroes
Lastest Episode: Number
Next Episode: Number
URL: url
Genre: Genre
Can that be done? I have no clue where or how to change it, is it in the theme file or in tvrage.tcl..

Best regards
Posts: 139
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:56 am

Post by GaveUp »

It's been a while since I've looked at the code, but from what I remember the theme file is what you need to change. You should never have to change the code file unless your making changes/improvements (feel free to post them if you do).

From what I remember a gets translated as separation between messages so I'd try that. I seem to recall the help messages in the theme file doing this, which if I understand correctly is what you're looking for.

If this doesn't help, when I get a chance I can take a look at the code again and jog my memory more, but this should be enough to at least get you started.
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Post by bootdisk »

GaveUp wrote:It's been a while since I've looked at the code, but from what I remember the theme file is what you need to change. You should never have to change the code file unless your making changes/improvements (feel free to post them if you do).

From what I remember a gets translated as separation between messages so I'd try that. I seem to recall the help messages in the theme file doing this, which if I understand correctly is what you're looking for.

If this doesn't help, when I get a chance I can take a look at the code again and jog my memory more, but this should be enough to at least get you started.
Uhm ok since im not a coder or understand TCl very well i think i have to wait cause i have no clue what you are meaning with "seperation between messages" :?

btw, can i use tcl code in the theme file? if i can do that what is the "command" to splitt a message to 2 lines instead of 1?

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Post by HowlinPsycho »

bootdisk wrote:Sorry for bumping such on old thread.

But i have a question about the !showinfo announcing part.
Where can i change the ouput (the channel msg) from 1 single to several?


Code: Select all

Show: Heroes) <-> URL :: <-> Latest Episode : .............
To something like this:

Code: Select all

Show: Heroes
Lastest Episode: Number
Next Episode: Number
URL: url
Genre: Genre
Can that be done? I have no clue where or how to change it, is it in the theme file or in tvrage.tcl..

Best regards

It is using that output in the lateste releases.

Mine is like this, and I have not altered anything.

23:14:49 | @HowlinPsycho: .tvinfo Lost
23:14:52 | @BouncerB0t: Lost - Premiered: (ABC) 2004 (USA) - Class: Scripted Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Mystery
23:14:54 | @BouncerB0t: URL:
23:14:56 | @BouncerB0t: Last Episode: 04x14 - There's No Place Like Home (3) (May/29/2008)
23:14:58 | @BouncerB0t: Next Episode: 05x01 - Because You Left (Thursday at 10:00 pm 2009)
23:15:00 | @BouncerB0t: Status: Returning Series
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Post by bootdisk »

Hehe ok i grabbed the latest version and now it shows like that :D

Very nice indeed.

Thanks för a great script!
Posts: 26
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Post by unb0rn »

howdy there, im using the dlx-tvrage_v2 , and i have a small problem, when i use the !tonight command, i've edited it, so it shows like this:
<EGGDROP> Haunting Evidence (03x02)
<EGGDROP> Secrets of a Restaurant Chef (02x02)
<EGGDROP> MADtv (14x06)

and so on..., but i want this to show the series like this,


but if a remove the " \n " from the tcl, is stops working...any ideias? :roll:
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Post by GaveUp »

This thread is not for the dlx-tvrage script. You would have better luck getting support with the dlx-tvrage script in the appropriate thread.
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Post by unb0rn »

Yes, i know, but i was trying to get some luck here ;x
i tried to search the thread here for the TV Rage script, but i can't found it
Posts: 139
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Post by GaveUp »

The first post in this thread has always had a link to the post mentioning the changes in the lastest version of this script and the link to get it.
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Location: Sydney

Post by Joori »

Sorry to be a pain, but why am i still being warned that i need dict to be installed apon loading the script when i am running tcl8.5 which has dict pre-installed into it already.

Do i still need to install the dict package despite having tcl8.5? Im using the latest version of the script under FreeBSD running eggdrop1.6.19 :shock:
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