I don't quite follow you on this one:
it's for specific channels , I need it for *specific users* on join.
The info-line is set on a user record, not a channel record. You can have individual user info-lines for each channel; though if not set, the global user info-line will be used instead. If neither a channel-specific, nor a global info-line is set for the user, then the bot will stay silent as the user joins the channel.
Further, if you need to prevent some users from changing their info-line, that is fully possible. Simply prefix the info-line with @.
I'm not sure how this does not satisfy your original request, could you try to be a bit more specific in your request?
Trixar_Za: Easy now, this is "Script Request", where we do have relaxed posting guidelines. We do encourage posters to do some research for already-existing scripts before posting, and linking/recommending such a script is a fully valid response to such a request.
Similarly, a poster is free to state that a solution did not fulfill the initial request, preferrably with explanations on how the solution did not qualify.
Also, as a forum member, you are free to completely ignore any and all posts within this forum.