Can anyone see the problem? thanks so much
I have a couple of scripts as you can see from the conf, might have somehting to do with the auth thing, but yeah, all that does it msg Q with authinfo
I have tried to disable both the scripts but to no avail
Channel file
Code: Select all
#Dynamic Channel File for (eggdrop v1.6.20) -- written Fri Feb 18 12:40:37 2011
channel add #Honreplays { chanmode +tn idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 revenge-mode 1 need-op {} need-invite {} need-key {} need-unban {} need-limit {} flood-chan 15:60 flood-ctcp 3:60 flood-join 5:60 flood-kick 3:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-nick 5:60 aop-delay 5:30 ban-type 5 ban-time 120 exempt-time 60 invite-time 60 -enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans -autoop -autohalfop -bitch +greet +protectops -protecthalfops +protectfriends +dontkickops -statuslog -revenge -revengebot -autovoice -secret +shared +cycle -seen +inactive +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites -nodesynch -static }