ive tried to fix this by changing the time that bans expire to a longer time on all the bots but 2, he did a manual restart of the bots from the shell not just .restart from he partyline, this hasnt seemed to change anyting, i know this can be fixed becasue i did it on my old botnet a few years ago, but dont remember how i did it. any ideas?
If you are thinking of the ban-time setting, this is applied for each channel record individually.
The global-ban-time setting is only a default value used when creating new channel records - updating this will not affect already-created channel records.
Further, eggdrop uses a separate file to save channel-settings in order to restore these upon restarting your eggdrop; thus changing the ban-time setting in the channel record will usually have no effect - you need to use the .chanset command from the dcc partyline instead.