Hub Bot:
Leaf Bot:<MMTBOT> [01:24:00] Telnet connection:
<MMTBOT> [01:24:00] Timeout/EOF ident connection
<MMTBOT> [01:24:00] Sent STARTTLS to Layla...
<MMTBOT> [01:24:00] Challenging Layla...
Also cannot get the bots to respond to CTCP:<Layla> [15:23:00] Got STARTTLS from MMTBOT. Replying...
<Layla> [15:23:00] Received challenge from MMTBOT... sending response ...
<Layla> [15:23:00] Lost Bot: MMTBOT
A quick .dccstat on the bot's shows that one is using a +port and the other is not I assume they are trying to connect via ssl but I do not have that option set anywhere so I don't see why it is auto adding ssl ports when I added them with the host I did not apply the + to any ports>MMTBOT< CTCP CHAT
»» Received a DCC CHAT offer from MMTBOT
»» DCC CHAT connection established to MMTBOT []
»» DCC CHAT to MMTBOT lost (Remote host closed socket).
Further investigation of .dccstat when the bots are connecting they use the pass module to connect. When I checked the loaded modules pass was not loaded upon trying to load the modules I get the following error:
<ShaneO> .loadmod pass
<MMTBOT> pass: Error loading module: /home/mmt/eggdrop/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory