Ok, so your script is to answer to ".k aaa bbb ccc.reason of kick" ? (with "aaa", "bbb" and "ccc" as nicks of victims)
Quite strange as syntax, but nevermind...
You do: set text [lindex [split $text "."] 0] and after: foreach user $text {... $text is not a list but an element of list, so it can rarely match an user. foreach user [split [join $text] " "] might be better imho.
thank your for the reply crazycat and yes i use this to have the option of multiple nicks in a kick command and a custom kick reason so to determine the diffence between a nick and the custom kick reason the . comes in place or that was the idea at least
.k nick nick nick nick .some custom reason here
it worked fine untill i was trying to kick nicks with weird chars in them
Thanks for the reply Spike^^ i would like to see the more proper way of writing this as this is what i have been using so far if this is not proper please show me how its done so i can use that as reference for others i use tnx spike^^
still cant get the nicks with {} in them not sure why it stores them stripped from the {} so when it tries to kick it obviously says not on channel so it must be the storing part that goes wrong im not sure how to store nicks proper with all their chars intact so it can proceed to kick
it keeps returning this without showing the nick : is not on channel #test
I saw that nothing was there, for the value in $user , and posted. The idea was to find out what was in $text, exactly - and hopefully be able to figure out why $user was empty.
That's not happening now.
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im stuck cant figure a way to fix this issue i saw im not the first with this issue i saw this old post : http://forum.egghelp.org/viewtopic.php?t=11001
altho this doesnt stack nicks wich is what i was looking for