Where can I get a free shell to run an Eggdrop?
At any given time, there are typically no shell providers I'm familiar with that offer Eggdrop shell accounts for free that you'd reasonably expect to get an account from on application. Eggdrops are a relatively resource-intensive, and they often attract denial of service attacks. A provider offering free shells for Eggdrop users would also attract a large number of abusive users. Therefore, offering free shells which allow Eggdrop would be detrimental any provider. A provider that does offer Eggdrop shells for free is either going to be very hard to get an account with, or will otherwise likely be unreliable, insecure, and probably won't be offering free accounts for long.
Although there are rarely providers offering free accounts, there are several ways people do get a shell account without paying a commercial shell provider - many have a friend with their own shell box and are given an account for free, and some people are involved in referral programs for shell providers and are rewarded with an account in return. Unfortunately, there are also more malicious users who break into servers and run their bots illegally or steal other peoples' credit card info and use it to buy a shell (giving Eggdrop an undeserved reputation as a malicious program).
cyberunners wrote:
I call it a donation and not a purchasing because I ask for 6 month what a cheap shell provider ask for one month. And with only 30 euro donation you can get a life shell.
Cyberunners wasn't just free for one month. If you signed up you got a shell with 30 days lifetime but you could get more days by solving riddles or be active on the forum helping people that's the way i got more days on my shell.
A while ago Dopamina changed the shell creation procedure. Now you have to send a comic to get a shell and there is no real need anymore for the riddles. You can register without the comic but you won't have shell acces a web account for the cyberunners forum.
You also could donate money or hardware for a shell for 3 moths, 6 moths or 12 months. I think a comic would be cheaper
well life shell: you get your shell as long as the shell lives ^^
for cyberunners: got my shell now from the beginning (several months ago) and it still works perfectly