Allmost all the people on this forum would disagree on point 1 of your last post. Adn this include the people that get frustrated at the initial issue, but help the user understand, rather than complain at them.
Remember. You may have read the "5 row discription" on, but 99.9% of other will not have, trust me.
I have been asked many a time, what IRC is, and that is after the person has tried setting up a bot.
Just look at eggdrop.
It comes with adaquate documentation. Including
- Information for developers (limited, but all the same it's there)
- Information for Tcl scripters (very advanced)
- Information of known issues, that are not caused by eggdrop
- Information on how to compile eggdrop, and problems that may happen
- Information on previous versions
- Information on how to report bugs (now try finding out how to do that on mIRC. Yes, you use the forums. That is now, 7 months ago, they did not exist)
Yet within the README file, which every1 should read, it clearly states
Eggdrop is the world's most popular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot;
Surly this must point out there mistake
An IRC bot is a program that sits on an IRC channel and preforms automated tasks while looking just like a normal user on the channel. Some of these functions include protecting the channel from abuse, allowing privileged users to gain op or voice status, logging channel events, providing information, hosting games, etc.
Even more, they still ask what it does.
Now lets look in the file doc/ABOUT
In this file, it gives a more details explanation (simalar to the previous one) of what IRC is. It also states the following
To use Eggdrop, you need:
* Some sort of Unix account
* A pretty good knowledge of IRC and Unix, including how to
compile programs, how to read, and what DCC chat is, at absolute
* About 5-7 MB of disk space. The Eggdrop tarball is about 4.8 MB
* Tcl -- Eggdrop cannot compile without Tcl installed on your
Now some of that doesn't need to be covered, unless you are running it on your own system (which is another story. A much worse one).
Look at the search feature of this forum. Do a search for "read tcl-commands.doc". Allthough it is not an acurate portrait of what I am getting at, it still returns 395 matches.
This proves that your claim that people read, is faulse.
99.9% jump into the pit first, without reading the sign about the spikes.
As for people finding there way to That another story. Do a search for the following string on google, yahoo (web pages, not web sites) and altavista
eggdrop help
I can guarantee that is the first result every time. That in itself is impressive. But remember, people judge a search result on the result placement.
AKA, is there first port of call.
People would rather ask for an opinion, rather than find out for themselves.
To top it off, some of them are rude in the process. Some posts are ignored (Well, not answered), and they moan because of it. And worse, some of them moan when the answer is not received within 2 hours.
As for your english skills. Nobody will judge you by your english. Infact,m nobody will judge you, unless you blatently fail to even consider reading help files.
Translation of files into somthing that can be made more understandable, well that is different. People usualy say "I have read this, my english isn't that good, and I don't understand it". That is what the forum is about, helping people to understand, not telling them the answer, when they didn't bother to look for themselves.
As proof. If every1 did read that 5 row segment of text, this post would have never been created. As such, becuase people do say mirc instead of IRC, it is proof that the concept is untrue.