anybody has a good tcl tutoriual/guide??
since i want to learn it it good and not by watching other code and trying to understand like iam used to.
just a good understandable,not to noobish but not to difficult, you know what i mean
thats it. i dont wont to add these users in eggdrop itself. just in a file. you say its not possible. strange, there are tcl scripts for glftpd that read the user and pass from the glftpd config and invite them if its correct. but i dont want to use glftpd for that.
yes but then i have to add every user in the eggdrop. and they just need to be in a file, so i can edit them quickly and not always add or remove users thru eggdrop
iam looking for a tcl wich can read a file with users and passwords. a user (who is not in the userfile of the egg) must sent "/msg botname invite username password" and the bot should then invite to a channel if the pasword matches the username in the file. i've been looking for a tcl wic...
me agrees
i have lotsa shells , huge botnet and an ircd , but i still irc trough bouncer with mirc. am i lame now?
and windows users come to linux chans to learn so dont kick them.